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A new wave of pro-life movement

By August 25, 2015January 17th, 2022No Comments

Peaceful Protesters in Exeter, NH

The movement to defund Planned Parenthood has taken on new energy. And, rightly so. The recently released videos from the Center of Medical Progress have opened up a Pandora’s Box. Because of these videos, people are beginning to wake up to the horrors occurring in abortion clinics across America. Citizens are taking a new look at the hundreds of millions of federal tax dollars flowing to fund private abortion facilities. And let us not forget the state funds which come right out of our own General Fund to subsidize abortion right here in New Hampshire. This is double dipping right from the taxpayers’ pockets. And, it needs to stop.

On August 22, there was a nationwide protest against Planned Parenthood. The New Hampshire protests were active and well attended at five facilities. Over 185 people marched and quietly prayed
at the Manchester clinic on Pennacook Street. Over 40 participated in the protest in Derry, over 50 joined to stand against Planned Parenthood in Exeter. Claremont and Keene also had a healthy and active presence.

It was very exciting to see so many new faces joining us at the New Hampshire protests. There were more than a few out of state protestors participating, as well as many “first timers” who stood in solidarity for life.

Perhaps something good can come from the unspeakable horrors revealed in these recently released videos. New Hampshire Right To Life will continue to remain active as we move forward in our mission to defend life. You are invited to join us.

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