Concord / Prayer Vigil
38 South Main Street
Concord , NH 03301
This is the most visible abortion clinic in the state.
Greenland / Prayer Vigil
559 Portsmouth Avenue
Greenland , NH 03840
(next door to the Greenland Town Office)
Join the faithful pro-life witnesses in Greenland, NH. Your help in these witnesses is so important. Bring your own sign or simply pray. If you cannot be there please pray that girls, women and men will choose life. Greenland Police number 431-4624
Manchester / Prayer Vigil
24 Pennacook Street
Manchester, NH 03104
(behind Rite Aid on Elm St.)
Surgical abortions are done on Wednesday. Nothing is more important than our prayers. More prayers=more lives saved and changed. Your prayers are urgently needed. If you can be there offer help to the women after their abortion, come during afternoon hours until 5pm (sometimes later).
Extra sidewalk counselors are especially needed from 2-5pm, to pray and offer Project Rachel brochures to the women leaving.
Manchester / Silent Siege
24 Pennacook Street
Manchester, NH 03104
(behind Rite Aid on Elm St.)
Visit their Facebook page for information and any schedule changes.
Contact for more information.
Manchester / Mass & Prayer Vigil
24 Pennacook Street
Manchester, NH 03104
(behind Rite Aid on Elm St.)
Helper’s of God’s Precious Infants Prayer Vigil
Holy Mass begins at 8 am
Procession to Planned Parenthood after Mass. We sing and pray 4 Rosaries. We remain at the clinic from approx. 9-10, and then walk back to the chapel. Volunteers needed. You will be glad you came. Contact Julie Laughner at for more information
White River Jct., VT / Prayer Vigil
79 S Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05001
Participants must go through the Sidewalk Advocacy For Life training to be on the sidewalk. Training is not a problem and we can arrange a flexible session that requires a 6-hour block of time for those interested. (For further information on arranging training, please see Connie LeBlanc at 603-448-5129 or )
To avoid having more than 4 people on the sidewalk at any given time, individuals must be scheduled for their specific 1 or 2 hour time slots. Ample parking is available on the street and in public lot behind PPH. Please contact Walt Stapleton at 603-542-8656/995-1034 or