Dear Pro Life Supporters:
Following the release of the undercover video that went viral this past week, and a second undercover video released today, showing horrific revelations regarding Planned Parenthood and the sale of aborted baby body parts and organs, a desire within many has been stirred to do something.
Already, several states have called for investigations, and some have even defunded Planned Parenthood from taxpayer dollars, but not New Hampshire. More than half a BILLION dollars are still flowing to Planned Parenthood every year.
The question is what can be done. We have your answer.
We need to bring the power of the grassroots to Planned Parenthood. We need to stand up and show that we are sick of begin forced to donate to Planned Parenthood through our tax dollars. If there is a chance that the abortion giant will be defunded from our tax dollars or that there be a proper governmental investigation into the activities of this organization, prayer and witness will need to be increased.
We are participating in the nationwide “Women Betrayed” rallies here in Concord. These rallies are happening in dozens of cities across the country, all at the same time. And, we need YOU to join us!
Our rally will be from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28 at the State House Plaza in downtown Concord.
This rally will be in conjunction with Pro-Life Future, Students for Life of America, and Cornerstone Action.
Please share this event and join us on July 28.
RSVP with us on FacebookFor Life,
Jane Cormier, President
NH Right to Life