In my previous post on Spiritual Warfare I discussed the need to pray for our pastors ( At the #ProtestPP demonstration outside the Planned Parenthood abortuary in Manchester on August 21, I saw a graphic example of the need to pray for our pastors. There were about 175 people there and from all the rosaries I saw, and Knights of Columbus families, I would estimate 90% of the people there were Catholic. Among all those people I saw one Anglican pastor from Concord and one Lutheran pastor from Nashua, but I did not see one of my Catholic pastors there. Pope Francis would be devastated. As we all know, he has called for his priests to be “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep.” They surely missed a golden opportunity to do that this morning.
Please redouble your prayers for our pastors because there are surely more than one Anglican pastor and one Lutheran pastor in the Manchester area, and there are a great number of Catholic pastors there.
God bless,
Jim Anderson