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Silent on the Issue

By November 2, 2013January 17th, 2022No Comments

NH Silent on the Issueby Darlene Pawlik, NHRTL Chair of the Educational Trust Foundation. She blogs at:

NH law is silent on the issue of abortion in many respects.

We have no protection for women’s right to know what they are agreeing to when they submit to abortion. There is no law requiring information on fetal development, no decision time requirements, no required paper trail to verify that they even get risk assessments for physical or mental health.

NH has the federal mandatory reporter law, but no oversight, no tracking whether or not minors are protected from sexual predators when they enter abortion clinics. There is no way of knowing if sexual predators are protected by bringing minor girls in to kill the evidence of their statutory rape or even trafficking and prostituting of minors.

NH clinics are not subject to any regular medical facility inspections, they are less regulated than fast-food restaurants. At least there are laws requiring health inspections in Denny’s. Abortion clinics are shrouded in mystery.

NH law is silent on whether or not insurance providers cover abortion. The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare doesn’t specifically require it either, however there are ways around that. Each carrier decides for itself whether or not to cover the brutal murder of preborn babies.

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, PPNE has federal tax payer money grants exceeding $1.6MM for their business in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. They employ attorneys and lobbyists to keep their business as free from restriction as possible.

I think it is important to realize what abortion is. I think it is really important to remember that the tiniest members of our community are killed, that women are wounded and that some people make a lot of money shedding innocent blood. depicts abortion in raw graphic images.

NH Lawmakers, that blood is on your hands. NH citizens, we have a lot of work to do.

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