(Manchester, NH – June 27, 2019) New Hampshire Right to Life will hold a “Save CMC” prayer vigil on Saturday, June 29 from 10:30-11:30am on the sidewalk in front of Catholic Medical Center (CMC), 88 McGregor St in Manchester. GraniteOne Health (of which CMC is the largest member) has proposed merging with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, which not only performs abortions but also trains doctors in how to do them. New Hampshire Right to Life believes this is a step in the wrong direction, as the merged entity, including budgets, would primarily be controlled by DHMC, which fundamentally differs on the sanctity of all human life.
“CMC and Dartmouth have divergent values on both ends of the life spectrum. We hope and pray CMC will refrain from merging with entities that kill unborn babies, further spreading a toxic culture which does not value all human life. We are calling upon CMC to return to its core values, especially as it relates to unborn persons: treat others with compassion and to promote social justice and equality,” said Betty Breuder, a trustee of NHRTL.
For additional information on the CMC/DHMC merger, see
New Hampshire Right to Life is NH’s oldest and largest citizen group working to foster respect for human life from the moment of fertilization to natural death.
Jason Hennessey
New Hampshire Right to Life
(603) 230-8136