It’s not every day you get to sit in a room full of heroes and heroines. I had the privilege of attending the 40 Days for Life Kick Off Rally at St. Marie’s on Sept 22.
Campaign Director Jen Robidoux outlined her goals for this campaign. She stressed the need for greater presence during the vigils and for an inter-denominational effort. Here she is with the rest of the leadership team:

Campaign Director Jen Robidoux (baby blue shirt)
Attorney Michael Tierney was there to speak to the audience about issues concerning the buffer zone’s passage and its temporary hold status. He explained that it’s basically business as usual for 40 DFL…focusing on being a visible sign of Christ’s presence for the families arriving at / departing from Planned Parenthood is the key to peaceful, effective witness.
Darlene Pawlik of Save the One then spoke about the need to be pro-life without exception. She explained that she was a “product” of rape…sold and trafficked…and that she broke free from her imprisonment (as a “house pet” for an older man) only by faking an abortion. She made sure that the volunteers in the audience knew their actions and sacrifices were important and heroic…and that they DO make a difference to so many women being abused / trafficked / coerced into abortion who have no one else to help them.

Speakers Darlene Pawlik and Michael Tierney
You can get more details on the kick-off here, but I’m really writing to you today to appeal to you to sign up for a vigil…
Please be a part of the beginning of the end of abortion in Manchester, NH! Join local heroes outside Planned Parenthood, 24 Pennacook Street, as they pray and offer assistance to families in crisis during the 40 DFL fall campaign (from Sept 24 – Nov 2).
In 539 cities across 24 nations, more than 625,000 volunteers credit 40 DFL with 8,973 babies saved from abortion, 101 clinic worker conversions, and 56 closed abortion centers. 40 DFL has an excellent track record for getting results armed with nothing more than peaceful, prayerful witness. Who knows? Maybe something you say or do could end up saving a life and changing countless others for the better!
Please sign up to pray on the vigil calendar. Witnesses are needed on the sidewalks from 7 am to 7 pm every day of the 40. Even though Thursday is surgical abortion day, women are given chemical abortions / abortifacient contraceptives during the week and need alternatives and information, as well as our prayers, love, and support.
Before you attend the vigil, please read the guidelines and rules for participation. Read these instructions for help registering on the website and signing up on the calendar.
Thanks so much to the courageous men and women who stand as a “last sign of hope and first sign of mercy” to the families in crisis entering the clinic. When our society has so failed these women, you prove time and again that decent people do care and will sacrifice their time with family and give everything they can to perfect strangers in need of help. For all involved: “God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.”
For more information, visit: or contact Jen Robidoux at