How do we do it?
Romans 1:16 says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
When I first became Executive Director of the Pregnancy Resource Center, I was told to keep the atmosphere of the center very neutral. I understood what kind of people I would be serving and gathered that most kept their waiting rooms free from Bibles, devotions, and anything that might scare the potential client away. While that might work for them, it did not work for me in the area I lived and worked. I wanted to start with the Gospel and end with the Gospel. Let’s take a look again at the scripture verse above. It states that it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. This warms my soul as a director, and gives me renewed hope to keep on praying that God would lead every person who is ready to receive Him into the center.
I have not made any exceptions in this; the Gospel is in full force. Our objective is to love unconditionally to the point that the person feels God’s spirit. The gift of trust is established. From there, a change of heart for those who are abortion-minded and determined! If indeed Scripture says it is the power of God, then why challenge that? If we are not ashamed of the Gospel, then why hide it? We have had an explosion of salvations at the center, and I take no credit at all and neither do my staff. We give the glory to Christ Jesus.
When these women are introduced to the idea that their life is valued, the life of their child is valued, and they do not have to walk this path alone, through God’s love the decision for life comes automatically.
This is how Christ does it through me and the staff of the Pregnancy Resource Center of the Monadnock Region. I will never be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I will always speak openly of the power of His love. It is through this that our clients choose Life and choose Christ. There are no apologies for a Christ-centered Pregnancy Resource Center. To date, we have had over 20 salvations since I have started in 2012, and over 90% of our clients have chosen life.