- Baby can grasp firmly with hands, swim, spring, jump, and turn somersaults. Baby can coordinate the movement of arms and legs; mom can feel baby’s activity as “flutters” late in the month. Baby continues to exercise and strengthen muscles and lungs to prepare for life outside of mom.
- Baby’s heart pumps 6 gallons of blood every day and beats between 110 – 180 beats per minute.
- Nutrients consumed by mom are passed on to baby within an hour or two. The umbilical cord has become an engineering miracle, transporting 300 quarts of fluids per day and completing a round trip of fluids every 30 seconds.
- Baby’s brain continues to develop – a process that will continue until about 14 years old.
- Toenails become visible.
- Mouth and nose are nearly fully developed.
- Genitals become visible indicating baby’s gender.
Week 14
- Baby weighs about 4 ounces and measures slightly less than 7 inches from head to heel.
- Wild production of nerve cells begins this month.
- Skeleton is continuing to harden and calcify and is visible on ultrasound.
- Fingerprints and toeprints are unique and complete.
Week 15
- Blood cell formation moves to its permanent location inside the bone marrow.
- Baby begins storing energy in the form of body fat.
Week 16
- Formation of the breathing passages, called the bronchial tree, is complete.
- Baby weighs around 6 ounces and measures about 8 inches from head to heel.
- Baby releases stress hormones in response to being poked with a needle.