We have good news and bad news for today.
Good news: Last week, the Executive Council voted to reject three abortion facilities from receiving family planning funding! Please email and call Councilors Stevens, Gatsas, Wheeler, and Kenney here and thank them for their vote to uphold HB 2’s prohibition on any HHS funds going to a reproductive health care facility.
Bad news: On Wed, Jan 5th, the House will vote on HB622. The bill would substantially weaken NH’s new Fetal Life Protection Act, the new law which protects unborn babies at 24 weeks gestation, by removing the ultrasound requirement. With no ultrasound requirement, abortionists could commit late-term abortions and claim they had no knowledge that the baby was over 24 weeks. After over 4 decades of unrestricted abortion access, we do not need another roadblock from protecting women and their preborn children who can survive outside the womb.
What you can do: Email and call your representative here and urge them to protect preborn children by supporting the floor amendment by Rep. Matt Simon, which will preserve our current law to protect preborn children at or after 24 weeks. Encourage your representatives to protect the Fetal Life Protection Act by voting ‘NO’ on any/all votes on HB622 if the Simon Amendment fails.
To learn more about the Fetal Life Protection Act, watch this video from NH Cornerstone, and read their article concerning HB 622.