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Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” – Matthew 9: 37-38

Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you to send more volunteers to help NH Right to Life in its mission to “foster respect for human life from the moment of fertilization to natural death.” Send laborers who are willing to work hard to bring about a culture of life to New Hampshire. Send people who are passionate and devoted to this cause as to dedicate their heart, their energy, and their time to defending life. Send fresh ideas, creativity, and resources so that we may accomplish our goals and be effective. Energize your people, O Lord. Awaken the harvesters. It’s time for your people to go out, change the culture, and to demand respect and protection for all life. Amen.

My dear friends,

Changing the culture is hard work. It’s not something that one person or even a small group of 15 people (the NHRTL Board of Trustees) can do. It’s takes a lot of people. Therefore, I am asking every single one of you to commit to helping one of the committees listed below. Each committee or subcommittee has a specific job to do to help promote the culture of life. Take a look at this list and pick the area that you are interested in and can commit to. It is important that each area have people that are willing to help. If you can commit to joining these committees, that’s excellent!! If you can only commit to helping at an event, that’s okay, too. Just fill out the attached volunteer form, including your contact information, and someone from one of the committees will get back to you. And yes, you can sign up for more than one. Thank you for your willingness to help. We can’t do this without you!

Communication Committee – newsletters, email blasts, press releases, publicity, social media, etc.
Advertising Subcommittee – advertising, publicity
Development Committee – fundraising events, membership drives, outreach programs
Banquet Subcommittee – planning our annual banquet
Political Committee – developing legislation, analyzing legislation, coordinate NHRTL’s lobbying efforts in the state house, track legislator’s votes
Education Committee – planning and coordinating educational activities, hosting booths at conferences, fairs, expos, etc..
Public Action Committee – protests, prayer vigils, and pickets, email or phone call campaigns and signature petitions
Office help – data entry, filing, thank you notes
Elections – helping elect prolife officials

Sign Up Today


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