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Press Release: NH Right to Life responds to Planned Parenthood bailout request

By August 2, 2024August 11th, 2024No Comments


(Concord, NH Aug 2, 2024) New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) issues the below comments responding to Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s (PPNNE) press release & conference seeking a taxpayer bailout.

Jason Hennessey, President of NH Right to Life, said:

Extreme organizations that push to legalize aborting healthy 7, 8, and 9 month children don’t deserve to be bailed out by the taxpayer. Instead of increasing their overhead by millions of dollars last year – including nearly doubling their lobbying budget to $5 million – Planned Parenthood should offer services that people really want. Planned Parenthood could seek to empower the many women who want to choose life for their child instead of just offering abortion to them.

If PPNNE withdraws from the Granite State, it would not be missed since there are so many affordable and free alternatives for women’s medical care that don’t come with the baggage of extremist views on abortion. With over 70 federally-qualified health centers, expanded Medicaid, subsidized health plans, and over a dozen Pregnancy Help Centers that are completely free, it’s no wonder that NH is one of the few states with no maternity care deserts.


Abortion extremism: Planned Parenthood NH Action Fund has consistently worked to remove NH’s protection for preborn children that starts at 6 months/24 weeks (NH’s Fetal Life Protection Act/FLPA), and creates confusion by calling the FLPA the “state’s abortion ban”. For example, they supported HB224 (2023) and CACR24 (2024), which would have repealed the FLPA.

Spending priorities/Mismanagement: According to PPNNE’s most recent audited statement, their public policy/lobbying budget almost doubled from $2.6m in FY22 to $4.7m in FY23, while the overhead for fundraising and “general and administrative” services increased by over $1m. They also have already received substantial government subsidies over the past few years. On top of that, PPNNE has reportedly had trouble keeping a CEO.

Not empowering women who choose life: Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2023 says that they completed 392,715 abortions but only 1,721 adoption referrals and 6,316 prenatal services.

Alternatives abound: Alternatives to PPNNE are abundant: Under the Affordable Care Act, NH has both expanded Medicaid and subsidized health plans. This is on top of the 70+ federally-qualified health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare (not just reproductive) regardless of ability to pay, and several pregnancy centers that are completely free.

According to a 2022 March of Dimes Maternity Care Deserts report, NH is one of only a few states in the country with no counties listed as Maternity Care Deserts.

A 2022 Harvard/Harris poll showed that 90% of Americans disagree with legalized abortion all the way through birth (page 41).

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and longest-standing organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

Jason Hennessey
New Hampshire Right to Life
(603) 230-8136



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