Why We March
by Jennifer Robidoux, President of NH Right to Life
I’m reminded of the words:
“Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail….”
But seriously, we are here because, like the unofficial motto of the USPS, we will brave any weather, any condition, to do our job; to stand up for life.
And why is that??? Are we brave? Are we nuts? (Don’t answer that)
I say, it’s because we are soldiers. It’s because we are in the war for the culture of life. It’s a war that started when human beings were not treated equally and their personhood was questioned and denied. It began with the idea of slavery. When a person just wasn’t a person. Years later, the war continued, though this time the battle was over contraception and whether a woman has the right to deny her fertility. This battle also took the marital act and separated it from its procreative nature. Thus, making the life created through this act “unwanted”. So, what do you do with an unwanted life?? Thus, the next battle came, abortion. 45 years ago, we lost that battle. Now, the battle is targeting the sick, the elderly, the depressed, the “unwanted” in our society. They call it “death with dignity”.
Battle after battle, the culture of death has been gaining ground. But the one constant has been you! You refuse to let the culture of death continue to win. You continue to fight for the dignity of every person, whether they are pre-born or elderly. We may have lost some battles but that does not mean the war is over.
We too, have won battles. Slavery based on skin color has been defeated. Many pro-life laws have been enacted. And each time a euthanasia bill comes up it keeps being defeated.
But with each battle won, a new battle emerges. And, after years and years of fighting we still haven’t given up. Why? Because this war is literally life or death. We fight for the pre-born, we fight for the sick and the disabled, we fight for the elderly, and we fight for the dignity of every person.
And like soldiers, we fight alongside each other and we depend on each other. We are an Army for Life. A Band of Brothers and Sisters. It’s time to regroup. It’s time to take back our culture. It’s time to stand our ground and fight for life. I am raising the Pro-Life banner high and I’m ready to fight. I’m ready to fight for ALL life, from fertilization until natural death. No Exceptions! No Compromise! No one gets left behind! Let’s bring back the culture of life to New Hampshire!
Soldiers, are you ready??