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We put our campaign in God’s hands

Manchester is one of 252 cities to embark on a Lenten journey of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil outside of Planned Parenthood’s facility at 24 Pennacook Street this week.

This is a quiet residential neighborhood filled with families gathering around their dinner table at night in conversation about their day’s activities. But across the street from their home is where 20-25 innocent children are aborted every week, 52 weeks every year.

Our job is to tell the greater Manchester area about this loss of innocence—in the lives of the children and the hurting women and men

How do we do this?

  • In private prayer and fasting we offer this sacrifice to God that he will hear the pleas of his faithful to end this tragedy in Manchester.

Pray that God will protect all unborn babies threatened by abortion.
Pray for Mothers and Fathers that they will support the choice for life
Pray for all who facilitate or participate in abortions that they will see the errors of their ways.
Pray for more people to join the effort to end abortion

  • In public witness in the form of a prayer vigil on the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood 7AM-7PM seven days a week until Palm Sunday, March 29th.

I can’t do this! But I say, trust that the Lord will give you courage!

Today there are over 9,699 children and women who have been spared the pain of abortion because of the prayer and presence at 40DFL campaigns. However, the vigil does require that we leave our comfort zone. That is actually the very thing that makes this campaign so powerful. Leaving our comfort zones causes us, our friends, our family, and our larger community to confront the reality that abortions are happening every single day in our city.

Visit for the vigil calendar. There are many open hours (Wednesdays and Saturdays are wide open) but if you prefer to be with another prayer volunteer, choose a timeslot that already has a volunteer signed in. Or, bring a friend or church member with you!

This is God’s work, will you join us?

Article written by Joan Silvernail, the 40 Days For Life Manchester campaign coordinator.

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