CACR 14, would codify genocide into our NH Constitution with a “Right of Reproductive Health” clause that says: The right to make personal reproductive medical decisions is inviolate and fundamental to the human condition. Neither the State nor any political subdivision shall infringe upon or unduly inconvenience this right
In the name of convenience, this would:
- Prevent future laws that provide any protection for the unborn (like a late term abortion ban, for which there is widespread support)
- Nullify the few protections that NH currently has (a partial birth abortion ban and parental notification for minors)
- Remove existing State oversight for some medical and all abortion practices, threatening women’s health and allowing for horrific, unsafe conditions like those with Kermit Gosnell
- Drive up taxpayer costs with unrestricted public funding for abortion, contraception, expensive fertility treatments, and more.
Ellen Kolb, a prolific blogger and friend of Life, has a blog post with more information.
While there are other important bills in the legislature that we will be contacting you about, CACR 14 is especially urgent because it would be difficult to undo.
If the House Judiciary Committee votes against recommending the bill, that could end it. Let them know that genocide is bad policy!
- If possible, join me in Concord for CACR 14’s House Judiciary Committee hearing this Wed, Jan 22 @ 1:00pm at the NH Legislative Office Building, Room 208 (33 North State St).
You can testify or just stand for Life and pray. A large showing will tell the committee that NH does not condone genocide. Though the hearing officially starts at 1pm, it’s best to get there early. If this is your first hearing (or even if it isn’t), Ellen has an excellent guide. - If you live in the district of one of the committee members (see bottom), contact them and let them know this is a horrible idea.
- Rally your friends/family/parishes/churches to go to Concord and/or contact their committee members.
- Email the House Judiciary Committee at and let them know that you disagree with CACR 14.