Day 52

  • Spontaneous movement begins: over the next four weeks baby will learn a whole collection of new movements practicing skills necessary for survival outside the womb.
  • Hands and feet move frequently – baby shows first signs of right or left handedness.
  • Stomach muscles contract as baby practices breathing motions bringing in amniotic fluid (not air – baby gets oxygen needed through the umbilical cord) to help strengthen the respiratory system for survival outside the womb.
  • Baby begins first hiccups as the brain practices reflexes for everything from feeding to eating and expulsion of waste material. Hiccups also strengthen baby’s heart muscles and respiration.
  • Baby’s heart beats steadily and is nearly fully formed. Electrical recordings of the heart at 7½ weeks are very similar to the EKG tracing of a newborn.
  • By the end of this week, this already highly complex embryonic individual weighs about 1/10th of an ounce and measures slightly less than 1¼ inches from head to rump – about the size of a thumb with good bodily proportion. Except for size, baby’s overall appearance and many internal structures closely resemble a newborn’s. Of the 4,500 permanent body parts in the adult body, 4,000 are already present.
  • Baby’s other major organs are beginning to function: liver is making blood, kidneys produce and release urine, stomach begins to produce digestive enzymes, intestine processes nutrients. Lungs are present, though not working yet.
  • Skull, elbows and knees are forming, upper and lower parts of arms and legs can be seen. Bones of baby’s arms, legs and spine begin to stiffen and calcify as bone cells are added.
  • Fingers and toes are well defined, digits are free / separate and fully formed.
  • The ears begin to develop.
  • Baby boys begin producing testosterone.
  • Brain is making more connections and learning; each minute produces almost 250,000 new neurons.

After 8 weeks, the baby is called a fetus (meaning “young,” “little one,” or “unborn offspring”). Most surgical abortions happen between week 8 and week 15.

Embryo at 8 weeks

Embryo at 8 weeks

Embryo at 8 weeks Credit: Medical Art Service, Munich /. Wellcome Images

Embryo at 8 weeks
Credit: Medical Art Service, Munich /. Wellcome Images

After 8 weeks, the baby is called a fetus (meaning “young,” “little one,” or “unborn offspring”). Most surgical abortions happen between week 8 and week 15.